In [9]:
%run /home/grg/git/alfa/
%matplotlib inline
from glob import glob
import os.path as osp
from nistats import thresholding
import numpy as np
from nilearn import image, plotting
import nibabel as nib
import json
import os

Kind recipe to extract clusters from thresholded SPMt maps and make them as a map of ROIs

First threshold your SPMt map

In [4]:
original_fp = '/home/grg/spm/analyses/analysis_20170228/MD_DARTEL_csf5_interaction_linearage/estimatecontrasts/spmT_0028.nii'
thresholded_map, threshold = thresholding.map_threshold(original_fp, threshold=1e-3)
thresholded_fp = '/tmp/thresholded_map.nii.gz'
thresholded_map.to_filename(thresholded_fp)  # Save it on disk

Define a folder containing rough hand-drawn ROIs over the clusters

The given names are very approximative with respect to the rough location of the cluster.

In [7]:
roi_dir = '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/'
rois_fp = [e for e in glob(osp.join(roi_dir, '*.nii.gz')) if not '_cleaned' in e and not 'rois' in e]
print rois_fp
print len(rois_fp), 'files found.'

['/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_perivent.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_insula.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_occip2.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_temporal.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/coronaradiata.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_temporal2.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/right.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/right_perivent.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_occip.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/right_temporal.nii.gz']
10 files found.

Take each hand-drawn ROI and generate a cleaned version of it using the intersection with the thresholded map

In [25]:
thresholded_img = np.asarray(nib.load(thresholded_fp).dataobj)

for roi_fp in rois_fp:
    print roi_fp
    roi = np.array(image.load_img(roi_fp).dataobj)
    roi[thresholded_img==0] = 0
    img = image.new_img_like(roi_fp, roi)
    img.to_filename(osp.splitext(roi_fp)[0] + '_cleaned.nii.gz')


Collect all the cleaned ROIs in a single Nifti

In [10]:
rois_fp = '/tmp/rois2.nii.gz' # File where the ROIs will be collected
roi_fps = glob(osp.join(roi_dir, '*_cleaned.nii.gz'))
print roi_fps
print len(roi_fps), 'cleaned ROIs found'

img = np.asarray(image.load_img(roi_fps[0]).dataobj)
for i in range(1, len(roi_fps)):
    new_img = np.asarray(image.load_img(roi_fps[i]).dataobj)
    img[new_img!=0] = i+1
finalimg = image.new_img_like(roi_fps[0], img)

['/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_occip.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_temporal.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_temporal2_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/right_perivent.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_occip2.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_perivent.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/coronaradiata.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/right.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/right_temporal.nii_cleaned.nii.gz', '/home/grg/spm/ROIapoE/ROI_DARTEL/csf5/left_insula.nii_cleaned.nii.gz']
10 cleaned ROIs found
<nilearn.plotting.displays.OrthoSlicer at 0x7f440611a290>

Compile values from create ROI

In [ ]:
roivalues_wd = '/tmp/roivalues_csf.5' # Folder where the files containing the ROI values will be stored
data_wd = '/home/grg/dartel_csf.5/' # Folder containing the images over which the ROI values will be extracted

subjects = json.load(open(osp.join('/home/grg/spm', 'data', 'subjects.json'))) # List of subjects

# Load the collection of ROIs
rois = np.asarray(nib.load(rois_fp).dataobj)
nb_roi = len(np.unique(rois)) - 1
print nb_roi, 'regions - ', len(subjects), 'subjects'

# Iterate over subjects
for s in subjects:
        mdfp = glob(osp.join(data_wd, 'rswr%s*.nii'%s))[0]
        # Build the command and run it
        cmd = 'AimsRoiFeatures -i %s -s %s -o %s'%(rois_fp, mdfp, osp.join(roivalues_wd, '%s_stats.csv'%s))
        print cmd
    except Exception as e:
        print s, e

10 regions
AimsRoiFeatures -i /tmp/rois2.nii.gz -s /home/grg/dartel_csf.5/rswr10070_MD_t1space_wo_csf_nohdr.nii -o /tmp/roivalues_csf.5/10070_stats.csv
AimsRoiFeatures -i /tmp/rois2.nii.gz -s /home/grg/dartel_csf.5/rswr10102_MD_t1space_wo_csf_nohdr.nii -o /tmp/roivalues_csf.5/10102_stats.csv
AimsRoiFeatures -i /tmp/rois2.nii.gz -s /home/grg/dartel_csf.5/rswr10108_MD_t1space_wo_csf_nohdr.nii -o /tmp/roivalues_csf.5/10108_stats.csv
AimsRoiFeatures -i /tmp/rois2.nii.gz -s /home/grg/dartel_csf.5/rswr10235_MD_t1space_wo_csf_nohdr.nii -o /tmp/roivalues_csf.5/10235_stats.csv

Generate a plot with these ROI values

With relation to age, grouping subjects by genotypes, and correcting values for covariates

In [21]:
%run /home/grg/git/alfa/
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display
data = pd.read_excel('/tmp/covariates.xls') # a table containing ApoE group, gender, educational years, ventricles
data['subject'] = data.index # Adding subject as an extra column

regions = [0,1] #list(np.unique(rois))
plot_regions(data, regions, src=roivalues_wd)

apo age gender educyears ventricles subject
44229 4 53.117043 0 10 9.732561 44229
10367 4 53.946612 1 8 10.993070 10367
55636 1 53.675565 0 8 10.719495 55636
21073 2 70.902122 1 12 14.828451 21073
12711 4 53.210130 1 15 7.929412 12711
WARNING: using default values for labels
using all CSV files (no subject list provided)
using default groups
Standard deviation of label left_occip: 7.31820507353e-05
Model used for correction: roi ~ 1 + C(apo) + gender + educyears + ventricles
Standard deviation after correction for covariates: 7.18412163381e-05
Region: left_occip - Fitting order: 1 - Formula: roi ~ 1 + age

In [6]:

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